Portable Appliance Testing - UK Online Quote

Electrical Testing Ltd has carried out portable appliance testing nationwide since 1990.

Because we employ a dedicated technical auditor you can be confident that every item of equipment which bears our label will have been diligently inspected and tested.

Where supply leads are removable we do not charge an extra fee for the lead!

Because we ask for two different quantities of portable appliances to test, grouped and spread, you know we will not come back to you with a revised quotation. The only exception would be in the unlikely event of there being any 3 phase ‘portable appliances’ to test where we would charge for 3 single phase appliances, or if we have to work outside normal working hours.

This means, unlike many other test houses, the price you see is the price you get.>

If you become a repeat customer there are benefits!

  1. With our software we will identify any missing items from the previous inspection.
  2. Because we are doing your PA testing we will recommend date grading your items of equipment. This simply means we don’t test it if it doesn’t need it!
  3. Because we believe that hard copy is not yet dead, we will supply you with a comprehensive asset log, details results of tests against each asset.

PAT Testing Quote

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